MTWG is an association of wood craftspeople and merchants of wood. Formed to promote and support the art of woodworking in Montana, the interests of its members, and the greater community of Montana. The Helena Woodworkers guild is the main chapter and is composed of a 5-member cabinet and its members. It is run with a simple parliamentary structure, holds monthly meetings, and volunteers often. All are welcome to join membership at a low annual cost.
Montana Woodworkers Guild strives for an inclusive environment, thrives with the willing behavior of its members through education and promotion of woodworking, and maintains a civic minded direction through charitable and volunteer actions.
All roles are voluntary and unpaid. 5 members are elected through nomination by any members and voted on by any members in attendance. All cabinet members will work collectively to see all tasks are fulfilled. This collective is integral to maintaining presence and requires a fair amount of dedication.
Delegates the cabinet to maintain routine monthly meetings, workshops, and volunteer efforts. Further acts as a liaison to see that the members benefit from our social gatherings and that our sponsors benefit from our promotion of their business. The president calls the meetings, arranges the agendas with guidance from all cabinet members, and organizes routine volunteer support for the community.
Vice President
Promoter of information as the web site and social media manager. Assists the president in task completion.
Assists VP with information gathering. Responsible for correspondence of meetings via email and phone.
A fiduciary role that holds the HWG account in balance. Responsible for solicitation, collection, and recording of HWG dues and fees, maintain membership records, pay HWG expenses, help prepare project, program and annual operational budgets, periodically report HWG income and expenses, and perform other tasks as needed.
Takes photos or video of meetings and catalogs it. This data is to be shared openly to all members.
Our members are hobbyists, carpenters, merchants, cabinet makers, furniture makers, etc. We all share one thing in common. We want to see the promotion and thriving existence of woodworking.